Deb Calvert, executive coach dedicated to putting PEOPLE first in business
About this talk
Conflict isn't always bad. The avoidance of conflict, in fact, can be worse than the conflict itself. If your company culture is highly conflict averse, you probably have false harmony, group think, and echo chambers that interfere with true collaboration and commitment. Team effectiveness is compromised by all that niceness because no one ever really feels heard and considered. Going along just to get along is merely a recipe for standing still. Learn about the benefits of conflict and how to use it productively for ideation, innovation, decision making, and building trust throughout the organization.
Unleash potential (yours and others!) by putting PEOPLE first. Thought-provoking webinars about Leadership, Employee Engagement, Personal Effectiveness, and Team Effectiveness. Our research and topics focus on getting more from people by giving more of the right stuff to people. …